Leadership Results Newsletter

Attainment, Inc.
A franchise of LMI since 1988
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Improving People Performance With Measurable Results
October 25, 2007
What are the Most Important Meetings of the Year?

The meetings where you get everyone's ownership and commitment to achieve 2008 goals.

Be sure you aren't making these common mistakes as you get ready for the coming year.
#1 - Not recognizing the benefits of written organizational goals
Written goals clarify priorities and purposes, eliminate confusion and waste, provide feedback and maximize productivity. 
#2 - Setting only financial goals
By the time lack of performance shows up financially, it has gone on for too long.  Set goals for productivity, customer development, problem solving and people development.
#3 - Setting goals for the team without involving the team
Do you need to do a better job of getting the rest of your team on board early in the process?
#4 - Not prioritizing goals
This leads to lack of focus, increased stress and less than desired results.  
#5 - Not using a facilitator
Without a facilitator, conversations tend to get off track and drift back to the day to day rather than focusing on the big picture. 
#6 - Unwillingness to delay gratification and make true behavior changes
Identify what you are really willing to do differently so you can get different results. 
Let us help you get focused and stay on track. 
A Client Speaks...
"I was apprehensive about having the staff determine our goals. However, I could not be happier with the goals selected.  The process directed us all to the right priority."
"With all the members of our team at the retreat, we now have a 'buy-in'.  I do not believe this could have been accomplished in any other way."


People Development Pays
Attainment, Inc. is a franchise of Leadership Management, Inc., a worldwide productivity & people development organization.
Do you have people in management positions who have not had productivity and leadership training?  Salespeople without productivity or sales training?
Training programs that focus on behavior change can increase overall business results, leader engagement and employee retention.
When Developed Correctly, People Are Not a Cost but an Investment!
 to request a free audio CD of a client going through our process.  www.attainmentinc.com